Books About Animals And The People Who Love Them!

Peggy’s Books

Mini Horse, Mighty Hope
How a herd of miniature horses provides comfort and healing.
Mini Horse, Mighty Hope introduces you to Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses, one of the largest equine therapy programs in the world.

The Dog in the Dentist Chair
And other true stories of animals who help, comfort, and love kids
This is a heartfelt look at real-life animals who visit, cuddle, and help kids in unexpected and amazing ways.

Faithfully Yours
The Amazing Bond Between Us and the Animals We Love
Inspiring stories of devotion, protection, healing, compassion, and faith, Faithfully Yours explores why we love animals so much.

Heart to Heart, Hand in Paw
How One Woman Finds Faith and Hope Through the Healing Love of Animals
Heart to Heart, Hand in Paw is a true tale of faith and the healing bonds of animals.

Dieting with my Dog
One Busy Life, Two Full Figures . . . and Unconditional Love
Dieting with my Dog celebrates our close bonds with our pets in times of both need and triumph.

Author | Columnist | Dog Lover
Peggy Frezon
Peggy Frezon is contributing editor of Guideposts magazine, Angel on Earth magazine, (the former) All Creatures magazine, and an award-winning author of articles and books about our bond with animals. You can also find Peggy’s stories in numerous devotionals and Chicken Soup for the Soul™ books.
Peggy’s books have received accolades from Dr. Marty Becker, DVM—America’s Veterinarian as seen on The Dr. Oz Show, Julie Klam—NY Times bestselling author of You Had me at Woof, and Susannah Charleson—author of The Possibility Dogs.
Blissfully engaging and full of love. Faithfully Yours beautifully conveys the connection between animals and their people. A heartwarming must-read for anyone who has experienced the power of this bond.
Peggy Frezon’s new book, Faithfully Yours, celebrates the bond between the animals who protect, serve and heal us and the people who love them, a bond that reaches across the divide of species. These amazing true stories are sure to fascinate and inspire you.