We went apple picking, and stocked up on my favorites: Macouns. If you haven’t tried them yet, they are crisp, a bit tart, and super yummy.

So I figured Kelly would like to get in on the fun. Apples are great for dogs (but not apple seeds. They can be toxic.)

Here is my easy Tasty Tuesday recipe:

PB Apples

1. Core apple.
2. Fill hollow with peanut butter.
3. Give to your dog to enjoy!

Here’s what happened when I gave Kelly her PB Apple.

Go figure. She didn’t like it! She took a few licks of the peanut butter and then walked away.
Does your dog like PB Apples?

**WEIGHT LOSS WITH A WAG Tour Stop today… Go Pet Friendly! Find out some tips for staying fit while you’re on the road.