It’s a comfort to imagine our lost pets happy and healthy, cavorting in heaven. Leland Dirks, however, goes beyond the familiar rainbow bridge visual in his new book, Seven Dogs in Heaven. Like Mitch Albom’s narrator, Dirk’s narrator learns important lessons about himself through those he encounters in heaven. However these lessons come from the dogs in his life, even an imaginary one. 

Each dog’s story makes you wonder what your own dogs really think of you. Are you patient enough? Do you really understand their needs? One of the chapters that touched me most was about Snowboy, a small white pup who braved a snake-laden wheat field in order to protect his boy, even though the dog was terribly afraid of snakes.

Unafraid to touch on difficult topics, Leland (along with Angelo) writes a simple, yet deep book with an uplifting transformation at the end. adds adorable illustrations of pointers, German shepherds, border collies and more.

Check out this book, and while you’re at it, check out Angelo’s Journey too! Both are available in Kindle, too.

Leland lives in the middle of a beautiful nowhere that is Colorado’s San Luis Valley. Angelo, the world famous Border Collie, and Maggie, his black Lab philosopher mix, allow him to share their off-grid home.


 Weight Loss with a Wag Book Tour Stops Today:
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and This One Wild Life asks about achieving goals.