Cartoon by Peter Steiner. Originally published in The New Yorker, page 61 of July 5, 1993 (Vol.69 (LXIX) no. 20)

This cartoon–one of the most frequently reproduced cartoons from New Yorker magazine–is so popular it’s actually become an adage, commenting on the anonymity of the Internet. It’s even included in many textbooks about technology, and has inspired a play, ‘Nobody Knows I’m a Dog,” by Alan David Perkins.

According to this article in the New York Times, Steiner has been a regular contributor to the New Yorker magazine since 1980.

I must say, I don’t really give the issue of Internet deception too much of a thought, mainly because I’m usually not using the Internet in ways that put myself in this position. I’ve never been in a chat room, and I mainly email with people I know. The fear of who might be lurking beyond that screen was more of an issue for me when the Internet was new and my kids were little. We kept our only computer in the living room and I’d look over their shoulder when they were using it. I bought my daughter books like by Katherine Tarbox, about a young girl who was lured through the Internet into a dangerous rendez-vous with a man she thought was a romantic interest. Now it’s common for each member of the family to have their own computer, often laptops that can be carried around and used privately almost anywhere. Fortunately, I think kids today are really smart about the Internet and most know what is safe and what isn’t.

My dog Kelly has been known to try to help me type.
Perhaps she is contributing to my posts more than you know?!!

Paws for Reflection: Who is behind that email or facebook page you’re reading?