Natalie Villacis was only 5 years old when she noticed her beloved beagle, Rocco, was missing. Now 11 years old, she is finally reunited with her best friend.
One day in 2003 the little pup slipped under the fence of the family home in Queens, NY. Despite hanging posters all over the neighborhood, Natalie feared she’d never see Rocco again. She often looked through scrapbooks and photo albums, remembering the fun times they had together. She even refused to throw away Rocco’s favorite toy, a red stuffed animal.
On July 5, Natalie’s mother answered the phone to practically unbelievable news–Rocco had been found, 5 years later, and 850 miles away–in Georgia! Positive ID was made because of a microchip planted in the dog’s shoulder–a common practice in pet identification.
Natalie’s father and older brother flew down to Georgia to pick up the pooch. Natalie was overjoyed to be reunited. No one knows how Rocco got to Georgia, and who had been taking care of him. He looked well-nourished and in good condition. A very happy reunion in Queens!