My friend Becky’s cat Pepe

Pawing my way through the alphabet

F is for Fat Cat

 * Fat Cat. Remember Walter the fat cat, who tipped the scales at more than 28lbs? He’s lost 3lbs and is being adopted, which is good. Find out why he’s now being instructed to GAIN weight.

* Fat Cats… AND Dogs…AND people – The Wall Street Journal reports on a new project, Project Slim Down, which combines a program of weight management food for pets, and Jenny Craig program for people. You can register for the project and find some handy tools for getting fit. (What a perfect combination for Dieting with my Dog, too!)

F is also for Friends

* Friends– The Daily News reports on a Great Dane who threw himself in front of his owner as she was being beaten with a hammer by her boyfriend. The Dane absorbed most of the blows, probably saving the woman’s life. The two are now fighting for rights for pets to stay in shelters for battered women.

* Friends– This Boxer saved Shih-tzu friend from an owl attack!