It’s almost here! Tomorrow’s the day- our first FitDog Friday Blog Hop, co-hosted with Slimdoggy. And we’d LOVE it if you’d join!

How To Join FitDog Friday Blog Hop (this Friday and any/or every Friday!)

1.) Grab the badge
Paste the code from my sidebar to your blog’s sidebar.

2.) Share on Facebook and Twitter

Join FitDog Friday blog hop April 5th #fitdogfri  

3.) Post your blog on Friday
Write about any fitness activity you enjoy with your dog, or highlight a person, event or helpful tips about keeping our furry best friends fit and healthy.

4.) Add your link 

They linky list will be posted at 12:01am on April 5th here on Peggy’s Pet Place and on Link up, and don’t forget to include the code in your post so that you can display all the participating blogs.

5.) Don’t forget, prizes!
We’re giving away free Slimdoggy apps, discounts on signed copies of Dieting with my Dog, free t-shirts, frisbees, bookmarks and more! Find complete information here.

6.) Visit the blogs
Check out the other listings in the hop every Friday! 

See you there! 

Want more, pawsitive pet tips, good news, and special bonuses? Content not already on the blog? Subscribe to my free newsletter.  We look forward to connecting there!