We couldn’t do K9Kamp without the support of our awesome featured bloggers.
Today please meet Gizmo from Terrier Torrent. Gizmo is a faithful Kamper…can’t you tell?!

Gizmo is already an active pooch–he participates in many great activities and has a mom who keeps him fit and healthy. He even got the canine athlete seal of approval from Slimdoggy during a recent visit to BarkWorld!  So adding more activities onto his day was a challenge…but he did great! One of the specialties over at Terrier Torrent is geocaching.  What is Geocaching? I admit, I had to look it up to get a better understanding, but I discovered:
*It’s like a treasure hunt using GPS
*A chache is a small, hidden containter
*It’s a great activity to do with your dog!

Gizmo gets to run through trails, and sometimes without trails, helping his mom search for the hidden cache. What could be more fun?

Gizmo even went kayaking as a K9Kamp activity. Balancing on the kayak as it glides and rocks through the water is wonderful for your dog’s core.  If you want to see what it might be like for you and your dog, don’t miss the great video of Gizmo kayaking! I only wonder, there in Florida, did you see any alligators, Gizmo?

Thank you to Beth and Gizmo for participating in K9Kamp and being such great Kampers. I’ll continue to feature more K9Kampers in future posts here, and also on Kol’s Notes.
Keep fit with your pup–it’s good for both of you!  See ya next K9Kamp!

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