I’d love to give you some free pet food! Check out the contest!

I’ve been thinking about dog food a lot lately. There are so many different brands of dog food out there. In writing my book, Dieting with my Dog, I learned a lot about healthy dog food. Switching to a better quality food really helped Kelly lose weight. We haven’t settled on any one food yet, we’re still exploring. For now, I feed Kelly the best possible pet food that I can afford. The question still remains, however, which food is the best? Some is too expensive. Some is difficult to find. Most of all, the whole thing can be confusing.

Recently, Kelly and I were asked by Innova® to sample some of their dog and cat treats and to read some information about their products. With Innova® becoming available in an increasing number of pet stores, I was happy to learn more.
Full disclosure: Innova® provided us with a free bag of Innova® HealthBar Baked Dog Treats, and Innova® cat treats (which I passed along to my daughter and her kitty Cinnamon), a measuring cup, fact sheets and coupons for free 6.6 lb bags of pet food, in exchange for my honest opinion. I’m excited to share their generosity with you too…two lucky readers will each win a free bag of Innova® pet food!

Okay, so the contest is coming right up. First, I want to let you know that Kelly sampled the HealthBar treats and loved them! With the first 5 ingredients as turkey, chicken, barley, chicken meal and oatmeal, I feel good about giving her these treats too. Other ingredients are apple, carrots, cottage cheese, pumpkin and alfalfa sprouts. The back of the bag says the small bars are 35 kcals/bar. (I did some research and near as I can understand, kcal is the same as calories. If I’m wrong please correct me!)

And my daughter reports that kitty Cinnamon loved her treats too! She could smell them through the bag and actually tried to eat the bag! Now for the contest!

Enter to win a 6.6 lb. bag of Innova pet food. Two prizes awarded. This is great food I think you and your dog will love.

To enter:
1. Follow this blog. Leave a comment saying you have (or that you are already a follower.)

2. “Like” Dieting with my Dog Facebook page. Leave another comment below saying that you did (or that you already like it!).

– Contest closes Saturday 8/6 at 8pm.
– Winners will be selected by random from the list of comments.
– Be sure to leave me a way to contact you to get your mailing address if you win!
Good luck! Check back next week to see if you’re a winner.

Want to learn more about Innova®? See how you do on this short quiz.
Answers appear at the bottom of the page.

1.Into which type of stores is Innova® expanding ?
A. pet specialty chain stores
B. chain department stores and grocery stores
C. fashionable ladies’ boutiques

2. Upon what philosophy was Innova based back when it began, more than 18 years ago?
A. Dogs will eat anything.
B. Consumers want pet food that looks more like real food.
C. Including whole natural and fresh ingredients is better for pets.

3. What is the #1 ingredient in all Innova products?
A. Fruits and vegetables
B. High quality protein
C. Fillet Mignon

Answers to quiz:
1. A. Pet specialty stores provide an environment where pet owners can seek informed consultation and support. It is in this environment where thee benefits of Innnova nutrition can be fully conveyed.
2. C. And this philosophy and dedication to wholesome ingredients still guides Innova’s formula development today.
3. B. High quality proteins.

-Prizes generously supplied by Innova.