Kelly and I share a love for snacks. Now we’ve discovered that we can enjoy the same snack–well, almost. I started giving Kelly these Snausages Scooby Snacks, shaped like little dog bones, for rewards or treats. A short time later, I discovered Scooby Doo Graham Cracker Sticks, in the same great dog bone shape. At first when I saw them in the grocery aisle next to the crackers and chips, I thought they’d been mis-shelved. It took some close reading to decide they really were intended for human consumption.
Scooby Doo Graham Cracker Sticks are low in fat, and not too bad for you, in moderation. (They are so good, however, that I tend to keep dipping into the box for “just a few more.”) Rarely one to turn up her nose at any food, nonetheless Kelly loves her Scooby Snacks. Now, if I don’t get the two mixed up.
Some organizations have found ways to combine Scooby Snacks and physical fitness. “Popular Crunchy Dog Snack Takes a Stand to Help America’s Youth “Get Out & Doo” describes a fitness campaign designed to help kids, and the family dog, get active and fit. Citing that today’s youth are too sedentary, they promote playtime with pets as a healthy route to physical activity for both dog and owner. And, of course, why not treat your dog with Scooby Snacks as you play?
Scooby Doo Graham Cracker Sticks are available in honey or cinnamon. They contain 130 calories per 9 dog bone pieces. I’ve yet to eat just 9. They have 4 grams of fat per serving, which is better than most cookies and crackers. The Daily Plate, a website for “helping you eat smarter” tells us that the average person could burn off the 130 calories of a serving of Scooby Snacks by jumping on a trampoline for 34 minutes or hauling water on a farm for 27 minutes.
Tail’s End: Watch what you eat. Not only in terms of calories and fat, but make sure it’s not intended for dogs, too.
Well, that’s why I was so skinny as a kid. All that hauling water from the well on the farm!
Laughing here, Meg.
Much love,
Wanda Rosseland