If you’ve ever thought that a goldfish might make a nice, simple starter pet, you might want to think again! Goldfish are notorious for being short-lived. But if you try, you can help your little swimmy friend live longer. Today we have a guest post from Jason Miner with Blog Carnival on:

5 Ways to Keep Your Goldfish Longer 
Guest Post by Jason Miner

Goldfish seem like the ideal pet for your family for
several reasons. You can teach responsibility to your kids at an early age, you
can go out of town without spending loads of money on a kennel, they don’t shed
and they don’t leave a gross odor in your home. The only downside to goldfish
is that their life expectancy is less than desirable. Here are 5 ways you can
keep your new goldfish friend a bit longer: 
1. Food:
goldfish does not require that much food, but what it does require is the
proper nutrients and vitamins. Purchasing goldfish flakes from your local pet
store are just what they need. A pinch of flakes a day is all your little fish
needs. Overfeeding your goldfish, could cause damage to their insides. 
2. Water:
water your goldfish lives in must be the right temperature and provide them
with lots of oxygen. You can do this two ways:
Colder water contains more oxygen and is
good for your goldfish to breath. Be careful when placing your goldfish into
cold water, you do not want to shock them. Keep their tank in a cool part of
your home and away from windows to help keep the water temperature down.
A second option is to purchase a water
filter from your local pet store for around 10 dollars. This will keep the
water flowing with oxygen, creating a longer life for your goldfish. 
3. Handling:
more you touch your goldfish the worse it is for them. Keep your hands and
fingers out of their bowl. The oils and bacteria from your hands can taint
their water and create an unhealthy environment. When you need to take out the
fish for cleanings, use a net that you can purchase from your local pet store. 
4. Home:
a common misconception that bowls are the best homes for goldfish.
Unfortunately, bowls do not provide the proper amount of space for a goldfish
to live and swim. A gallon of water is best for a happy and healthy
goldfish. Opt for a large fish tank that you can find at your local pet store. 
5. Cleaning:
of the most common goldfish deaths is cause by a dirty tank. Cleaning a goldfish tank should
happen once a week. If this is too much time, consider purchasing a water
filter. You can cut back on cleaning and as stated before, it’s a great oxygen
increaser for them. 
Jason Miner plays a vital role for www.blogcarnival.com.  He is an expert in writing topics of
different categories.  He is helping the
carnival team to grow & working on making this an even better place for

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