Image: Dog sitting down on lawn
Photo credit: AP

I just love a happy reunion.

Like author Leland Dirks, in his book Angelo’s Journey (I reviewed here, and I’ll be reviewing his second book soon!), when a dog goes missing, I can’t help wondering about its adventures and where it had been. Best of all, however, is the joy discovered when a lost pet returns home.

73-year-old Jim Arrighi of Tennessee discovered this joy last week, when his Jack Russell terrier was returned to him, after being missing for more than 3 months. Arrighi  last saw Petey in his the backyard last July. Arrighi and friends suspect he was pooch-napped by an out-of-towner. They’d searched for the little dog using 4-wheelers, scouring the area.

The dog was discovered 500 miles away in suburban Detroit. The little dog was scanned at the Humane Society, and information gathered from his microchip led him to his home.

Sadly, Arrighi also lost his wife, who suffered from pulmonary disease, on October 12th. Arrighi is overjoyed to be reunited, and believes that his wife in heaven sent the dog back to him.

* Facts provided from Today Pets & Animals  reporter Corey Williams, AP

** Weight Loss with a Wag Blog Tour Stop Today:  Foley Monster and Pocket  want to know if there’s a polite way to tell a friend their dog might need to go on a diet?