Golden Retriever Tanner and Papillon Oliver are two special dogs. For one reason, they live with a really cool human, Carrie, who is committed to feeding them, and herself, top quality organic, healthy food. And for another, they get plenty of healthy exercise each day. But I think, mostly it’s because they live with a really cool human!

Tanner and Oliver, and mom Carrie are among our featured bloggers at Koly and Kelly’s K9 Kamp, committing to participating in all 6 weeks of fitness challenges with us. Why are they kamping with us? What are their fitness challenges and strengths? Find out more! And then, don’t forget to jump over to Kol’s Notes to check out another special featured blogger there! Oh, and keep reading after the jump, because there’s more about Carrie, Tanner and Oliver, and then you can enter for a chance to win some awesome fetching sticks from Molly’s Products!

All Things Dog Blog

Pet Parent Name: Carrie Boyko
Age: 54
Occupation: Full time blogger (me: How cool is that!)
Favorite activity: This is tough. I guess I’d say playing Fetch with Tanner. He’s a master fetcher. Is there a “degree” for that? (me: hmmm I guess MFF, Master of Fine Fetching?)
Favorite food: An organic vanilla latte, iced

Dog #1 Name: Tanner
Breed: Golden Retriever, adopted breeder reject
Age: 5
Favorite activity: Swimming and Fetch, with dog park runs as a close second/third.
Favorite food: A great big organic juice carrot!

Dog #2 Name: Oliver
Breed: Papillon, puppy mill rescue
Age: He’ll be 4 before the challenge ends (me: Happy Birthday Dear Oliver!)
Favorite activity: Following me around and working for treats
Favorite food: Busy bones, homemade with organic fillings

2. We love All Things Dog Blog. Can you tell us just a bit what it’s all about?

All Things Dog Blog seeks to help owners keep their dogs, as opposed to giving them up during hard times or challenges. We do this by offering problem solving articles, product reviews with giveaways, offering a team of dog trainers to answer questions, and our Ask the Vet column helps owners with health questions. (me: Your blog is a fantastic read with so much valuable content. I am always impressed and learn something helpful when I visit.)

3. Why did you decide to participate in Koly & Kelly’s K9 Kamp?
This was a no-brainer for us; it totally fits our niche. We like to help owners solve their problems. Overweight dogs definitely have a problem to solve. I will enjoy sharing these updates with my readers.

Did your dog urge you to sign up…or did you think your dog perhaps needed a little intervention?
None of us need to lose weight. We just believe in the value of what you are doing and want to support it. (me: Aww thank you!)

What are your goals for the Kamp?
I plan to share the successes of other participants with my readers in the form of tips, ideas, and strategies for getting active and healthy.

4. How would you rate your dog’s physical fitness?
Tanner and Oliver have each trained for 2 years in agility, and now are spending many days running alongside my bike. We walk daily and visit the dog park 3 times a week where they run off-leash. I’d say they are at least an 8 out of 10 or better.

How would your dog rate yours?
That’s not a great question to ask at this time. I was injured severely in January while on vacation. I started working out and walking again in March. I am able to bike, but running an agility course is out of the question. Maybe I’d achieve a 6, or possible higher because I am not overweight? (me: So sorry about your injury. It sounds like you are taking positive steps to heal. Keep up the good work!)

5. What is your dog’s biggest fitness challenge?
Despite their daily regimen of exercise, I think both would enjoy an additional walk or run each day. Twice daily is all I can manage with my 10 hours a day on the blog.

6. How would you rate your dog’s diet?
Tanner and Oliver eat an organic diet, including most of their treats. Those that are not, are 100% natural. They also take a Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplement and EFA’s for coat and brain health.

Tanner and Oliver do a lot of photo shoots, which means they get treats for posing. They are very good at this skill, but I still reward them for their cooperation. I try to keep the treats small, but sometimes the photo sessions are frequent. 9.5 out of 10 (me: Excellent! Sometimes it can be so difficult to be beautiful, bol!)

How would your dog rate yours?
Our whole family switched to organic foods 4 1/2 years ago when I got a cancer diagnosis. With the exception of meals out, all of my meals at home are prepared with organic foods and include a wide variety of vegetables and a lessening amount of meat. My weakness is sweets; I do enjoy dessert. 9 out of 10? (me: Again, excellent. I think that you and your dogs must benefit greatly from your organic regimen. I’m impressed.)

7. What is your dog’s biggest diet challenge?
The amount of treats received for photo shoots and training.

8. Complete this sentence: In K9Kamp, my dog would be voted Most Likely To __
Tanner: engage every dog in the group in a romping good run around the dog park.
Oliver: introduce himself to each owner with a lot of kisses and butt-wiggles.
me: Thank you Carrie, Tanner and Oliver! We’ll be seeing you around Kamp!

Now it’s time to win some prizes! How about some Juniper fetching sticks?

Molly Product’s fetching sticks are made from the fragrant Juniper wood of Northern Arizona.  Each branch is cut to 10″ long, stripped of it’s bark to reveal the fragrant Juniper wood underneath, hand-sanded to remove protrusions & rough patches, then beveled at the end  These beautiful, hand crafted, eco-friendly play toys are ideally designed for outdoor entertainment for you and your pet!  The simple game “throw and fetch” brings relaxed fun and treasured time with your dog.

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