A Special Prayer at the Western Wall

This month my dear friend Lori took a birthday vacation to the Holy Land. One day while she was there, I received a Facebook message from her. “I went to the Western Wall today.” I thought of pictures I’d seen of the Western Wall, also known by some...

They call it the Silent Killer

Saturday, my sweet dog Ike died of hemangiosarcoma. Tragically, we had no idea he was seriously ill. In fact, he’d had his senior exam not long before this. We were constantly alert to Ike’s daily health, and probably nothing would have changed the sad...

Puppy Up

Recently Kelly and I participated in the 2 Million Dogs Puppy Up virtual dog walk. We were able to raise a bit of funds to help support cancer research.In appreciation, 2 Million Dogs sent us these cool presents! Kelly got a Puppy Up bandana and some yummy cookies. I...

Inspiring Pet Loss Book- Part 2

Last week we met Nadine M. Rosin, author of The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood. I recommend this book to everyone who loves a dog, or has ever lost a pet.Last week Nadine told us about why she wrote the book, and why she refers to the human-pet relationship as pet...