Hello, My Name is Petey Introducing the new puppy.

Even before we brought home new puppy Petey, our first thought was how would we make sure it goes well between him and Ernest? “I’m so cute. How could anyone not adore me?” Ernest is almost 9 years old. Petey was almost 9 weeks old. Would they like...

How to Bring Home a Puppy

What’s yellow and furry and cute all over? Zeke! Welcome to my adventures babysitting a new puppy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a puppy in my house–I’ve been adopting senior dogs. They’re more my speed! But my son, who live...

Puppy Lovin’ Coming Our Way

Four little paws…two furry ears…one waggy tail….a new little puppy is soon joining our family. My son is getting his first dog of his very own in just two more days, and we all couldn’t be more excited. Here’s new puppy, resting up until...