Pet Blogger Challenge 2016

Last year 71 bloggers participated in the Pet Blogger Challenge. I learned so much reading the goals and setbacks of fellow pet bloggers. Now it’s time for us all to gather our thoughts again. So here we are, the 6th annual Pet Blogger Challenge hosted by Take...

Pet Blogger Challenge 2015

I’m taking the Pet blogger challenge hosted by Go Pet Friendly   Last year, 82 bloggers joined the Pet Blogger Challenge. This year it’s back again! Pet Blogger Challenge 2015 1. How long have you been blogging? About 9 years. Wow, that seems like a...

Pet Blogger Challenge- The good, the bad and the bloggy

Every year, thanks to our friends at Go Pet Friendly, and co-host Will My Dog Hate Me, we’re invited to take a deep look inside, jiggle our brains until they hurt, and ask WHY AM I DOING THIS?!! So here we go, The Pet Blogger Challenge 2014: 1. How long have you...

Pet Blogger Challenge – Paws to Reflect

Once again, Amy from Go Pet Friendly has put us to the task of reviewing our goals and achievements with the third annual pet blogger challenge.This is open to all pet bloggers, so grab the questions, put on your thinking cap, and join the linky! 1.  How long...

Pet Blogger Challenge 2012

Thank you to Amy from Go Pet Friendly and Edie from Will my Dog Hate Me for hosting the 2nd annual Pet Blogger Challenge! The best part of the Pet Blogger Challenge last year was learning from each other–sharing our high points and commiserating about our...