If ever I was dreaming of a white Christmas, my dreams would be coming true this year. Last week we had a major ice storm in the northeast, dusting the ground with a little snow, and covering the roads, trees and power lines with thick ice. 240,000 homes (just in our area of the state) lost power (and heat!) It made me feel good to hear about neighbors checking on other neighbors, taking care of the seniors, offering their homes to anyone in need. My in-laws lost power for 5 days, so they stayed with us. But not before my father-in-law ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. Fortunately, he’s home and feeling better now.

Today we received our second major storm, with more than 14 inches of snow falling today and guess what–another 8 to 10 inches expected tomorrow. Okay, enough already!
Good thing it’s beautiful. The photos today are of the ice storm, courtesy of Merry Kraft of Averill Park, NY.

Paws for Reflection: Love Your Neighbor by checking in on them in times of severe weather.