*Your dog could be on the cover of an Orvis catalog! Got a great photo? Enter the contest for cover dog. Since it is a fishing/sporting catalog, I entered this photo. Also, there is still time to enter the AAA Pet Book Photo Contest.
*Feeling a little down about your training routine with your dog? Get a new perspective with this post on Something Wagging this Way Comes.
* Kelly Preston and her dog Mr. MaGoo are doing something really special with her book, Real Dogs Don’t Whisper (April 15, Kelly Preston). A portion of the proceeds go to support FACE Foundation, an organization that helps assist in the cost of veterinary care to families in need. Bravo Kelly! Be sure to check out her book about her lovable family of high-need dogs: 2 Lhasa Apsos, a cocker spaniel and a little mixed breed.
* And now, the winner of OINK by Matt Whyman, chosen by random draw: Caroline Coleman of The Doggy Diary who suggested the names Pearl and Henry. Congratulations Caroline! Please contact me with your mailing address and I will send out the book! Other great piggy names suggested were:
Benny and Lily
Frick and Frack
Pigsley Addams
Priscilla and Peter
* Weight Loss with a Wag Book Tour Stop today: Today we have TWO stops! First, adorable little Pip has a few questions about keeping fit for senior dogs. And, Coffee with a Canine catches up from our last coffee (diet coke) break, with an update!