Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly is modeling her Christmas cape. Do you think she’s ready for some snow? We may not have snow, but here are this week’s links!

* What would you do to convince people that rescue dogs make great pets? Would something involving a car come to mind? The New Zealand SPCA taught a beardie mix, a giant schnauzer and a whippet a rather unique skill…the dogs learned how to drive.

* How does your dog indicate that she needs to go out? CBS news tells us about Kieth Jin’s invention–a doggy doorbell that can be used inside or outside the house. The dog pushes a large target with his nose.

* Another program for overweight pets: Pet RXercise. This allows you to get into Georgia state parks for free if you exercise your dog!

* Dogs aren’t the only ones getting fit. From the Huff Post, here are Cats on Treadmills.

* Check out Steve Dale’s Pet World’s new holiday contest: Let’s See What Your Pets Wear for the Holiday Photo Contest!