Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup!

*It’s always nice when I can find something of interest in the sports my husband and son watch so much. Here, two playful retrievers stole the show for a bit was they wandered onto a soccer match in Turkey. I love how playful they were, I wish they hadn’t been ejected from the game!

*It’s quick. It’s safe. It’s easy. And it may make all the difference if you lose your pet. This year, resolve to get your pet microchipped. The more I hear about pets being reunited because of a microchip, the more I recognize the importance. Brooks is microchipped, but Kelly is not. It’s time for us to take responsible action. Are your dogs microchipped?

*How can we help street cats? From the New York Times, here is a slideshow of low cost cat shelters, made out of insulated coolers, recycled cat food cans, plastic bins and more.

*And from PetPR, here’s news of a lightbox for dogs suffering from SADD.

Did you make a new year’s resolution involving your dog?
Do you find that your dog or cat suffers from SADD? Or are you enjoying the winter weather to the fullest?