Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly has some spring flowers for you!

* Amazing report on abc news about a musher who gave mouth-to-muzzle resuscitation to his husky on the Iditarod.

* Can dogs help the war on elephant poaching in Africa? grist.org tells us about these bloodhounds with a mission!

* Robotic pets? Smart fur? Is it really true? Ubergizmo has more.

* Pythons. Alligators. Monkeys. If you’ve got an exotic pet you can no longer manage, the Miami Zoo is sponsoring a Pet Amnesty Day Saturday March 10 and will accept unwanted exotic pets which may otherwise be abandoned.

What do you think? Have you ever given an animal mouth-to-mouth? And what is your opinion on owning exotic pets? Or robotic pets, for that matter?!