My blogging pal Jackie Bouchard of Pooch Smooches just released her new book, What the Dog Ate. See it there on the table?
Brooks and Kelly check out What the Dog Ate
One day Jackie and I got laughing, thinking about how our two books related. Sure, there are some obvious differences…What the Dog Ate is a novel, and Dieting with my Dog is memoir. Kona of What the Dog Ate consumes a wide variety from the non-food group (just see the chart, below!), while my pup Kelly learns to eat healthy, nutritious snacks. But basically, both books celebrate dogs, eating, and overcoming life’s challenges. 

Read on for your chance to win a copy of BOTH books! 
But first, here’s our review of What the Dog Ate.
Right away I loved this title. I mean, What the Dog Ate? Seriously, there’s a whole book about this? Yum! And may I also add, I seriously love the book’s hero, Kona. Now he’s my kind of dude. Okay, now over to Mom.

Brooks, this isn’t a “how to,” you know. Please don’t eat all those things Kona did. What the Dog Ate is a warm, funny novel about Maggie Baxter, who thinks she has life’s priorities in order. She lives with her husband of seventeen years and their chocolate lab, Kona. But Kona unwittingly reveals Maggie’s husband’s cheating ways. Let’s just say, what the dog ate–and brought back up–plays a key role by way of  incriminating evidence. 

Maggie deals with family, friends, divorce, and job pressures, all the while trying to carve out the best life for her and Kona. The question is, will she find a new man in her life? 
     From the  book: “On the way home, she fantasized about how much better it would be if finding a  new man was    like getting a dog. You could go online and research the type you wanted. Would you prefer one who’d be a couch-potato with you? Or one that would fit into an active lifestyle? Toy or worker? Purebred or mutt? More influenced by scent or sight? Guard or companion?”

If you like a story of love and romance, with a great dog for a best friend, then What the Dog Ate is for you! Brooks and I highly recommend you check it out!
Connect with Jackie at:

What the Dog Ate is available on print and e-book on Amazon, print only: CreateSpace, e-book only: Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and iTunes.

* A portion of the print sales will be donated to Best Friends Animal Society.  

Keep reading, you can win a copy below!

So, now do you want to know some of the things Kona ate? Here’s the list, along with some Dieting with My Dog revisions!  

You might notice the list reads #6 -10. Jump over to Pooch Smooches to see #1-5. And while you’re there, check out her Dieting with my Dog interview, where she asks me about Kelly’s favorite snacks and my favorite “bad for me” food. AND enter to win a free copy of Dieting with my Dog

This contest, and more great giveaways, is part of All Things Dog and DogTipper’s Fido’s Freebie Friday

Enter to win What the Dog Ate

Contest open to residents of the US and Canada, excluding Quebec and where prohibited.

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