The second stop- Cindy Lu’s Muse

Welcome to the Faithfully Yours blog tour. We certainly enjoyed our time at Earl’s World. Now it’s time for the next stop. Join us today over at Cindy Lu’s Muse. Leave a comment there and you’ll be entered for a giveaway for a free copy of...

Faithfully Yours Blog Tour and giveaway

I’m honored that so many awesome blogs have invited me to visit for my Faithfully Yours blog book tour! Please stop by the blogs and see what questions they have for me about the book, my inspiration, my writing process, and whatever else they wanted to know....

Mike and Ike–Am I Worthy?

I’d like to introduce you to a very special member of our pack, my husband Mike. He’s agreed to join in and share his thoughts on dogs with his own feature, Mike and Ike. Please welcome Mike in his debut post. Am I Worthy? Guest Post by Mike Frezon...

X is for Xtra Special

Pawing through the Alphabet X is for Xtra Special  I know you’re up to this challenge! I wanted to list all of the things that are xtra special about pets and then I thought of this list that is going around on email, where you write a word that starts with...

Kelly Goes to the World’s Largest Garage Sale

Every fall, the little town of Warrensburg NY plays host to a big event–in fact, they bill it as the biggest sale of toys, crafts, used clothes, antiques and doohickies in the whole world! I Googled it, and dozens of other towns make the same claim (Duncan,...