Our Pets Make the Holidays Special

Our Pets Make the Holidays Special

When I was a young girl, we’d visit my grandparents in Springfield Vermont for the holidays. What I remember most about those visits is not the presents under the tree or the special holiday meal my grandmother prepared…but i loved discovering the...

Paws to Remember- a tearful and joyful celebration

I was leafing through the local Advertiser newspaper when I saw this notice. The event was one I knew well, but there was something else: This is an annual event held at Nassau Vet–a night to remember the pets lost that year. I’d been to this event before,...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Comfort Dogs, Naughty Cats

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! * Not much to smile about when it comes to the recent tragedy, but nice to see how these therapy dogs helped some school children in Sandy Hook. * From Something Wagging This Way Comes, 5 Things Dogs Do that You Need to Learn....