K9 Kamp – Let’s Play Frisbee

Last week I talked about playing chase with your dog. It’s just the kind of simple, spontaneous, fun fitness activity that we’re stressing this month in K9 Kamp- Fun and Games. Here’s another simple activity you can do with your dog–step out...

FitDog Friday- Sneak Peek

I couldn’t think of a better place to share a sneak peek at my new book cover, than with my friends here on FitDog Friday! Ever since I wrote Dieting with my Dog, people have been asking me for more practical tips and how-to’s for losing weight and getting...

Mobile App Helps Dogs Get Fit and Healthy

Steve and Jack. Look at Jack now!  When Steve Pelletier adopted his 7- year-old yellow lab, Jack, the dog weighed 105 lbs. and was on Prozac (for anxiety and hyperactivity) and Rimadyl (pain reliever, often for arthritis). Jack was considered unadoptable-...

Blogville Back to School Bash–Doggone Dieting

Blogville Back to School Bash Doggone Dieting 101 Good Morning Class! I hope everyone is enjoying Blogville School today. I’m your teacher, Miss Kelly.  The blond at the door is our teacher’s aide Mr. Brooks. He’s checking out the window to make...