Your pet’s resolutions?

New Year Resolutions      Ernest- To help the first grade kids                        Pete- To bark less and to...

New Years Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I like the new year…getting organized, new beginnings and all. And new year’s resolutions! Here are mine: 1. Blogging- to focus on content. To think, in what ways can I help or inspire others? Instead of falling back on easy posts, what do...

Dogs, Pets, and the Best of 2011

A new year causes me to think about new goals. My goals for my blog are connecting with a community of pet lovers, and also to be useful to you. So, to celebrate 2011, here are some of my most useful posts from this year:   On Animal Advocacy:* ...

Happy New Year!

Happiest wishes and woofs to you all for a happy, healthy, prosperous and wonderful new year! HAPPY 2011!!!!!