Home Alone- And Happy! book review and giveaway

What do you do about keeping the dog home alone? Does your dog bark, cry, have accidents or destroy the furniture? Do you feel guilty when you leave the house? What if you were able to help your dog learn to adjust to having you out of his sight? Kate...

Brooks Books- Dogs on Wheels

Hi Brooks here! The book I found for you today is called Dogs on Wheels, Traveling with your canine companion. I can tell you already that I highly approve of this book, since I like traveling with Mom and Dad. Here’s Mom to tell you more! Me: Dogs on wheels by...

Brooks Books- Dogs and Flowers and Grass

Dog-Friendly Gardening by Karen Bush (c) 2012 Hubble and Hattie USBN 978-1-845844-10-3 BROOKS: If I went to sleep and imagined my dream-yard, it would be here on the pages of this book. If only it was a catalog, and I could pick and choose the features I’d like...