This is What 16 Looks Like! #HappyBirthdayKelly

Today is Kelly’s Birthday!! She’s 16 years old today. Kelly has been struggling with her health a bit lately, so we just want to make this birthday a time to celebrate the good girl that she is. She’s been with us through many happy times, the empty...

Here Comes the Fun Police

Kelly is the fun police. She watches Ike and Zeke playing and decides when they’ve had too much fun and steps in to break things up. She usually finds a comfy spot away from all the action. Ike and Zeke are very rough in their play. If either Ike or Zeke yelp or...

FitDog Friday- Snow!

We’ve got 10 inches of fresh, powdery snow up here in the northeast. My dogs love it! They get so frisky and excited bounding in the snow. But the temperatures are also below zero, so we have to be sure to keep them out for brief periods of time. Can you have a...