5 Pawsitively Awesome things about Pawsitively Pets

New year’s resolutions–I may be in the minority, but I like them. Every year, it’s a reminder to focus on something positive, to make a change that will be useful or healthy. Of course, sometimes it’s the same old thing (lose weight), some are...

FitDog Friday- Meet the Chesapeakes

Today I’m combining FitDog Friday with the Pet Blogger Gift Exchange!   Pet Blogger’s Gift Exchange is co-hosted by Something Wagging This Way Comes and I Still Want More Puppies. In the gift exchange, I was paired with  JoAnn Stancer  at...

Meet Maggie at Wag the Dog UK

Photo courtesy of Wag the Dog UK The best gifts are thoughtful words and actions…and that’s the idea behind Something Wagging This Way Comes wonderful Pet Blogger Gift Exchange!  Not only is this a fantastic way for a bunch of pet bloggers to exchange...