Did you Guess? Our Family has Grown!

Something exciting is happening at The Writer’s Dog…Friday I asked you to guess what it might be. Some of you guessed that I was under contract for a new series of dog books, and that my first book is being made into a movie. Wow I’d love that! Both...

When A Day Care Puppy Spots Its Owner

You know that moment when you come home, and your dog sees you, and is so happy to see you that she jumps and dances around and gets all excited? Perhaps you experience that euphoria even more if your dog is a puppy. Kelly and Ike always wait at the front door, and...

Zeke Then and Now

How quickly did puppy Zeke grow? Well check out these photos!  1. Zeke at 8 weeks, sleeping under the glass-top coffee table.  2. Zeke at 6 months, sleeping under the glass-top coffee table. 3. Zeke at 8 weeks  4. Zeke at 6 months. Join the BlogPaws...

What Zeke Ate Part II

First, a big thank you for everyone who played along and guessed what Zeke ate last week! “Don’t I look innocent?” Everyone was pretty much correct, so everyone got entered into the drawing. The correct answers are: 1. Zeke’s food bowl. This...