Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!*Did you know this week is Rabbit Awareness Month? The focus of this year’s campaign is rabbit obesity. Even too many carrots may not be a good thing. Visit this site to learn more about rabbit obesity.* Top Ten Pets. Does it...

5 Things To Know Before Buying an Easter Bunny

When I was young, I loved my pet rabbits Tibbar (Rabbit spelled backwards) and El Ear-o (Don’t ask me how I came up with that one!) They were so cute with their long ears and twitchy noses. But is getting an Easter bunny for your children this holiday really a good...

Five Great Small Pets

This is me when I was 21, with my guinea pig Gulliver. I can’t keep it a secret; guinea pigs are my favorite small pet! Gulliver would squeak whenever he heard me open the refrigerator door–he knew where I kept the lettuce! And he loved to snuggle up with my...