by Peggy | Jun 22, 2012 |
Hi, Kelly here! Since today is Take Your Dog to Work Day, Mom said I could write the blog post. I’m so excited I can’t stop wagging. I might even let my new brother Brooks add a woof or two. Since Mom works from home I get to be her office-mate every day....
by Peggy | Jun 24, 2011 |
Not every dog is lucky enough to be able to go to work with mom or dad, however some have the opportunity today, Take Your Dog to Work Day!Dogs in the workplace help:· foster a calmer work environment.· reduce stress.· contribute to increased worker productivity.Here...
by Peggy | Jun 22, 2011 |
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup!* Join the Million Heart Challenge to benefit canine heart disease research, and maybe win a trip too! PRNewswire brings you the details.* Fox news reports that San Francisco is considering a ban on goldfish. The reason?...
by Peggy | Jun 25, 2010 |
Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day!Why? you might ask. Is this just a day to get torment our bosses and reduce work productivity? Who’s idea was this anyway, and what purpose does it serve?Take Your Dog To Work Day actually has a wonderful purpose. First...