Scraps, the Writer’s Dog, Takes Over the Blog

Scraps, the Writer’s Dog, Takes Over the Blog

It was the best of times…it was the worst of times. I’m pretty sure those words are original to me, Scraps. I am, after all, a literary dog. Well, to be honest, I’m a fictional literary dog. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. But I might not...

When Dogs Run the Office- Guest Post by Elsa Watson

Elsa and Lucky I am honored and excited to bring you this guest post today, by Elsa  author of The Love Dog. Elsa wanted to share with you about taking her dog to work. When Dogs Run the Office by Elsa Watson It’s all fun and games until someone reaches for the...

The Next Big Thing

I’m boring my dogs. What is the next big thing? I guess everyone should have a “next big thing” on their list.  Last week Dorothy Wills-Raftery from the pawsome Five Sibes blog, and author of What’sWrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9...

Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and Welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!* I saw these birds while on a walk downtown Saturday. They were perched so cute on an office building window sill.* I’m so excited because today I’m announcing the contest winners of A Dog’s Purpose book and a...

Monday Rufferences & Resources

Welcome to Monday Rufferences and Resources, a round-up of pet news and tips this week.My daughter Kate brought this to my attention, and I must admit I’m having fun feeding and watching Googley, my new pet “hamster.” Try out this fun new google...