Is this Healthy Dog Play?

Healthy play involves an equal give-and-take in roles and positions. How do you think Ike and Zeke are doing? Zeke on top. The cow jumped over the moon. Ike on top. We’re joining Wordless Wednesday blog hop!

Play with Me- The Pros and Cons of Dog Play

Dogs need to play, in some way. After all, life isn’t all about eating and sleeping. Most dogs love to play. Not all dogs like to play with others. Not all dogs play well with others. Kelly doesn’t like to play with other dogs, but she enjoys playing with...

Snowball Fight

There’s nothing like a nice snowball fight to cool you off in August. Ike and Zeke love playing with their Planet Dog Snowball toy, but it always turns into a fight to see who can get the snowball. Who do you think usually wins? Kelly, Zeke and Ike sat around...

Our Snowball

This month I’m writing about love every weekday until Valentine’s day. Today, Brooks and Kelly want to tell you about one of their favorite toys. Whether the ground is covered with big white flakes or not,we don’t care. We love our snowball!...

What to Stuff in a dog Kong toy

I’m holding on tight with my front paws. They’re funny shaped. They’re versatile. They come in all colors and sizes. They can help keep your dog occupied. And they can be stuffed! I’ve always given my dogs Kong toys, but until recently I never...