Two wagging cheerleaders for Super Dog Sunday

Give me an S Give me a U Give me a P Give me an E Give me an R What do you get? SUPER!! SUPER!! SUPER! Wait! Not Supper? Oh well. Kelly and Brooks here, cheering for Super Dog Sunday. Brooks says I know I’m a boy…no jokes about the purple hair bows please...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Big Paw

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! How do you like this big Bernese paw! * Do you find this holiday season that you’re too focused on the hustle, bustle, buying gifts and all the stress? Blogger Pamela from Something Wagging This Way Comes is doing a great...

Mail to Bark for!

We received a package, and Kelly couldn’t wait to get into it. She thought it smelled pretty good in there! Look what we got! Prizes, from All Things Dog Blog with Dogtipper, Fidose of Reality Safe Howloween Twitter Party! Terra Paws freeze dried sweet...

Meet and Greet Party Blog Hop and Kelly and me

I love a party, especially one where dogs are invited! I’m happy to participate in Dogtipper and Cattipper’s blog hop this week.The instructions are to introduce yourself as if you are meeting friends at a party. So here goes:My name is Peggy Frezon and...