Day #6- Exercise Toys for your dog

K9 Kamp is over and it’s time to recognize some of our dedicated kampers with some pretty cool prizes! Flirt poles are a fun way to get a big workout for both you and your dog! What’s a flirt pole? It’s a long pole with a fun toy on a string. You...

Minute Superstars

Have you been k9kamping with us? If not, it’s never too late! You can join in at any time. Just look for our next challenge, tomorrow, and then complete the exercise on your own time over the course of the week. How did Kelly, Brooks and I do this week? Well...

K is for K9Kamp

C’mon, Join us! Pawing through the Alphabet. K is for K9Kamp Only a few short months ago (it seems like forever ago!) Kelly, Koly from Kol’s Notes, and a gang of blogger friends joined together for Koly and Kelly’s K9Kamp. We had so much fun, worked...

Top 10 Things I Learned at K9Kamp Blog Hop

Top 10 Things I Learned at Koly and Kelly’s K9 Kamp  10. I can’t blame Kelly for my laziness…she likes to exercise! 9. Technically, it’s still a game of Fetch even when the dog won’t return the stick. But, that’s something...