Skinny Pigs Calendar Boys–Too Cute!

Skinny Pigs Calendar Boys–Too Cute!

Guinea pigs are ridiculously cute, and an almost-hairless guinea pig…well, over the top cute! Sheldon and Spencer are the awesome skinny pig therapy animals featured in The Dog in the Dentist Chair. We caught up with their mom, Shannon Barry, to find out...

Two Boys and a Guinea Pig

I’m a dog person through and through, but if there’s one other pet that can melt my heart, it’s a guinea pig. Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Carrie Homman for a Guideposts article, No Gifts Please, Just Compassion. She told me all about...

Y is for You Tube pets

Pawing through the Alphabet Y is for You Tube Here are four adorable, cute and clever pets brought to you by You Tube! 1. One of my all-time favorite pets are guinea pigs. If this video doesn’t convince you, nothing will! 2. This one combines a guinea pig with a...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup.Jocelyn from has once again offered me a great product to review, and I can’t wait to show you. It could be something for grooming, or travel, or play…I’m keeping it a secret for now. csnstores...