Meet the Bloggers Hop– If My Dogs could Talk….

Here it is, time to meet the faces behind our favorite pet blogs. Our assignment was to answer five or more of the previously posted questions, to include a photo of ourselves, and to link up to the hop. Meet the Bloggers Hop is co-hosted by these fine blogs: Go Pet...

Meet Maggie at Wag the Dog UK

Photo courtesy of Wag the Dog UK The best gifts are thoughtful words and actions…and that’s the idea behind Something Wagging This Way Comes wonderful Pet Blogger Gift Exchange!  Not only is this a fantastic way for a bunch of pet bloggers to exchange...

The Joy of Gardens and blog hopping

Happy Saturday Pet Blogger Hop! Paws for Thought Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden. ~Robert Brault, I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me. ~Robert Brault, Many...