January Pet Roundup- bushels of blog events

Hi and welcome to January Pet Roundup! Happy New Year!  January brings us many worthy pet blogging events. Friday is the Pet Blogger Challenge, hosted by Go Pet Friendly, and Will My Dog Hate Me. I’ll be joining in, so check back for my answers to some...

Wednesday Pet Roundup, Happiness Edition

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Here’s a new picture of Kelly and Brooks. They’re starting to get along better. I’d say they look pretty happy here, don’t you? Today we’re posting happy links: * A cool pet is a happy pet. Tips...

Wednesday Pet Roundup, Extra Toes Edition

Photo courtesy of AP Question: How many toes does the average cat have? Answer: 18 Question: How many toes does Daniel the orange and white tabby from Milwaukee have? Answer: 26 Find out how Daniel the cat with 26 toes is helping the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center! *...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Nom Nom Edition

* I like this article in the New York Times by Stanley Fish, Looking at Dogs and Cars.  He ponders abandoned cars, dogs in the pound, and neglected homes. His last line really got to me. *Does it matter what time of day you feed your dog? Find out at All Things...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Kelly chases after a tennis ball. Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup!  * This AMAZING story had me bawling…but don’t worry, it gets happy. Harper the deformed puppy found in the trash heals because of LOVE!  According to TODAY online, the...