The Importance of Being Ernest the Dog

The Importance of Being Ernest the Dog

Ernest has a purpose. A purpose he discovered on his own. We adopted Ernest from Peppertree Rescue when he was 9 years old. His previous owners had kept him in a crate all day and night. They let him outside just long enough to get him covered in ticks, which they...
Ernest the Book Buddy

Ernest the Book Buddy

It’s a new school year, and that means a new group of first graders for Ernest to meet, love, and do therapy dog work with. We adopted Ernest 2 1/2 years ago, when he was eight years old. We could tell that he had the makings of a great therapy dog–he is...

Ernest Goes to First Grade

We walked through the parking lot, past the big yellow buses, and approached the red brick building. Pushed the buzzer to be allowed in. Then we knocked on the principal’s office door. “Hello. This is Ernest. We’re here to visit the first grade...

Ernest Meets the Man, and Unconditional Love

One night last week we walked our golden retrievers past two kids riding their bikes on the other side of the street. A man stood on his porch watching over them. The little girl saw us and ran up to her dad and asked if she could pat the dogs. “You have to ask...