Two wagging cheerleaders for Super Dog Sunday

Give me an S Give me a U Give me a P Give me an E Give me an R What do you get? SUPER!! SUPER!! SUPER! Wait! Not Supper? Oh well. Kelly and Brooks here, cheering for Super Dog Sunday. Brooks says I know I’m a boy…no jokes about the purple hair bows please...

Isn’t that tweet? Bark to School party tomorrow

It’s almost back to school time! It’s sure to be busy, maybe a bit stressful, but it can also be fun. You can enroll your dog in obedience or good citizen classes…dogs like school too! Or practice some new training techniques at home. To get the...

Bark to School 101: Get Along with Others

I am participating in an opportunity to receive a spot as a free sponsor in the #BarktoSchool Twitter Party, to be hosted by Event Barkers on August 12. Event Barkers is a social media promotions group run by and...