5 Pawsitively Awesome things about Pawsitively Pets

New year’s resolutions–I may be in the minority, but I like them. Every year, it’s a reminder to focus on something positive, to make a change that will be useful or healthy. Of course, sometimes it’s the same old thing (lose weight), some are...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- March 20, 2013

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Here is Kelly out in the snow. Let’s hope that March goes out like a lamb…and real soon! * Did you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? I hope you had as much fun as these 50 pets celebrating St. Patrick’s...

Pet Blogger Challenge – Paws to Reflect

Once again, Amy from Go Pet Friendly has put us to the task of reviewing our goals and achievements with the third annual pet blogger challenge.This is open to all pet bloggers, so grab the questions, put on your thinking cap, and join the linky! 1.  How long...

In Your Mailbox, with Love

Brooks and Kelly are proud to announce our brand new newsletter, Pawsitively Pets, from Peggy’s Pet Place. We’re launching this newsletter to bring you more pet news, go in depth on  issues important to you, and to share good news and happy...