Brooks Books- Natural Way to Healthy Pets

Book: The Royal Treatment, A Natural Way to Approach Wildly Healthy Pets by Dr. Barbara Royal (c) 2012 Atria Books BROOKS: I only have an obedience school education, so this book was a little heavy for me. And I mean heavy— it’s 371 pages long! I left the...

Wednesday Pet Roundup-

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly says stop and smell the tulips! Here are your links this week: * The Chicago Tribune brings us 5 Ways to save on Pet Costs. Can you guess any? * Grab a kleenex and read the ABC News report how this faithful dog stands by...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Here’s Kelly with her snow nose. We sure are getting a lot of snow this week!* presents its list of the Top 25 Pet People of 2010. Some famous, some not so famous, all are credited with helping animals here and...

Dignity for Missy

Last week I wrote a post about Power Paws, canine socks by Woodrow Wear, offering to give away a set to some dog who might find them useful.I received this email from Rachel, in Nebraska:”I just read the little article about the dog sox and am so glad to have...