Goodbye, Ike. Run Free.

It is with the deepest sadness that I have to share that we had to say goodbye to Ike on Saturday. He was 10 years old. He was a good boy. Ike’s PurposeIke had many jobs to do here on earth, and he did them all without us asking. We adopted him when he was seven...

Flyover Farewell

At 12:55pm Saturday, the animals gathered on the tarmac.  A group of twitter friends, bedecked with aviator goggles, readied to take flight to honor those pets who had crossed over the rainbow bridge. Sadie D. Doxie offered an opening prayer. Then The Aviators...

PetSmart Charities Shares Adoption Stories

Instead of a roundup today, I want to share this wonderful post on PetSmart Charities blog. They’ve been asking readers to tell about how their pets enrich their lives and to share their successful, positive stories of pet adoption to inspire others to consider...

The Comfort of Friends who Understand

When bad news is shared, the response from others who understand brings comfort. I want to thank everyone who has taken time to leave a message on Facebook, comment on the blog, or send me an email or private message expressing your sympathies, and sending your...

Goodbye Brooks

It is with great sadness that I have to share with you the news that Brooks passed over the rainbow bridge Saturday. I still can’t believe I’m writing this. Everyone who has ever loved a dog knows what I’m going through. All About Love I have to say...